February 13, 2025


Studying business science

Starting An Import Export Company In Kenya

The basic steps involve:

Register a company name and obtain the Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate of Registration
Obtain an Export /Import Code Number from the Customs and Excise Department on the submission of copies of a above).
Obtain a PIN number from Kenya Revenue Authority
Obtain a VAT certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority
Obtain a Local Authority License example from Nairobi City Council.
Certificate of Origin (at the time of exporting) {Certificate of Origin are issued by the Customs Department, Kenya Revenue Authority depending on the export destination.

The Certificate of Origins issued are; COMESA Certificate of Origin, EUR-1 Form, GSP, EACD and Ordinary Certificate of Origin and AGOA Certificate of Origin

The purpose of the Certificate of Origin is to indicate the origin of exports so that they can enjoy preferential duty entry into the export market depending on the prevailing trade arrangement between Kenya and the importing country. For any individual to have an import export company there company has to be a member of KIFWA. KIFWA membership is Ksh 17000 (Admission Ksh 10,000, Subscription Ksh. 7,000). Membership takes a few minutes. Once paid up you will receive a clearance certificate which a copy should be given to KRA for you to get a license.

The import export companies can be in two categories:

• Clearance and forwarding companies
• Importers of raw material to make finished goods.

It is necessary to make the companies limited.

All documentation gets processed in September, and they are also forwarded to the Customs Union.

KIFWA interviews the new directors and in case of failure an individual can always appeal or try the next year. When an individual passes they get to be given the license and the password for the KIFWA site.
The timeline of this whole process will take 5 to 6 months. Once accepted the company should be able to take a custom bond fee from 300,000 to up to 600,000.

The primary objective of applying PVoC is to ensure quality of products, health and safety, and environmental protection for Kenyans. Among the benefits expected, besides products being shipped conforming to standards and regulations, PVoC is expected to:

♦ Block unfair competition from sub-standard products and especially stop the influx of counterfeit products
♦ Speed up release process of imports
♦ Reduce importation costs
♦ Reduce the number of destructions or re-exportation of consignments

The Pre-export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) to Standards programme is a conformity assessment and verification procedure applied to specific imported products at the respective countries of export, to ensure their compliance with the applicable Kenyan Technical Regulations and Mandatory Standards or approved equivalents. The overall objective is to minimize the risk of unsafe and substandard goods entering Kenyan market, thus ensuring health, safety and environmental protection for Kenyans.